Advance Physiotherapy Group providing high quality First Contact Practitioner/Physiotherapy Services

What is a First Contact Practitioner/Physiotherapist (FCP)

An autonomous, advanced practitioner, able to see patients with MSK conditions instead needing direct input of the GP. They are first point of contact for patients in general practice providing faster access to right care.
They are able to assess, diagnose, investigate, manage and discharge patients without a medical referral where appropriate ensuring right care at right time from the begging of MSK pathway.
FCP services help to reduce GP work load by seeing up to half of all the MSK conditions currently being seen by GP. GP-FCP liaison will also help to improve GP expertise in managing MSK conditions.
FCP roles deliver additional capacity for Primary Care MSK population and manage in the region of 20% of the physiotherapy caseload. Rehabilitation continue to be required as part of the MSK pathway. FCPs refer for courses of ongoing physiotherapy treatment. Where necessary, further specialist assessment or investigations may take in place in triage services.


FCP’s can help

  1. By reducing pressure on GP services especially where recruitment and retention of GPs are challenging and cost can be saved by employing FCP instead of locum GP.
  2. Improve efficiency along the MSK pathway where there is inefficiency along the MSK pathways resulting inappropriate investigations, prescribing and secondary care referral for elective care.
  3. By addressing Workforce challenges, as 34% GP will be retiring in next 5 year and there are reducing number of applications for GP training
  4. Studies show improved use of diagnostic capacity with 3-5% cost reductions in plain X-rays and MRI scans ordered by general practice.
  5. Over 70% of patients receive specific self-management advice.
  6. Good patient experience with 90-99% satisfaction rates in pilots.
  7. FCP services are also reported to deliver a return on investment of £0.81-£2.37 for every £1 spent on implementing FCP services (Davies C, 2017); with some studies suggesting a higher return (Public Health England, 2017).
FCP- Right Person, Right Place, First Time

Source :


What we can offer

We are a group of extended scope /Advance practice physiotherapist who are expert in musculoskeletal and rheumatology and currently offering these services in GP practices and integrated MSK services.

We will be able to provide governance, supervision, mentorship, training, promoting your service and audits which will significantly reduce the burden on your GP’s and allow them to see more complex patients.

It is our belief that providing adequate safety measures are put in place we could add significant value to your GP practice without compromising the quality of care provided. Our expert knowledge of MSK related pathology will undoubtedly provide excellent levels of care to your patients and significantly aid in reducing costs.


This is our dedicated team who work day-in and day-out together to bring
our clients the most amazing projects for a digitally connected world.

Adnan Iftikhar (MCSP)


Clinical Director and Advanced Practise Physiotherapist

Umer Sheikh (MCSP)

PhD Scholar, MSc Physiotherapy, MSC APA

Clinical Director and Advanced Practise Physiotherapist
